Next Tidalites congress

We are glad to announce that the International Steering Committee has assigned to the University of Liverpool the organization of the next edition (the 11th) of the International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology and Dynamics. The year will be 2025, so as to maintain the time offset of two years with the Fluvial Sedimentology conference. We would like to congratulate the organizers of Tidalites 2025 and look forward to seeing the scientific community reunited again in Liverpool!

Tidalites 2022 - Proceedings

Tidalites 2022 - Minutes

from the business meeting of the International Steering Committee of the Tidalites Conference in Matera, Italy 04/05-2022


tidal sedimentology

improving energy recovery, protecting environment, predicting climate changes
Matera, Italy, 3-5 May 2022
Aula Magna, Campus of the University of Basilicata

The 10th edition of the international Congress of Tidal Sedimentology has been held in Matera (Basilicata, southern Italy) from May 3rd to 5th 2022.

The TIDALITES conference is a recurrent event from about forty years, repeated approximately every four years in different countries of the world and attracting participants from many universities, research centers and industries.

TIDALITES has the ambitious goal of drawing the attention of the local and international scientific community to three fundamental aspects:


The study of ancient tidal systems preserved in outcrop and subsurface is crucial for the optimization of the exploitation of natural resources, such as water, oil and natural gas, as well as for the use of these same reservoirs for Carbon Capture and Storage. Additionally, understanding the sedimentary dynamics in marine areas naturally designated for the exploitation of tidal power is essential for risk reduction and implementation of renewable energy production techniques.


The protection of the current coastal environment is strongly threatened by a combination of natural phenomena, such as coastal erosion, and the pressure deriving from anthropogenic activities. Scientific research on the sedimentary dynamics of coastal environments becomes strategic for a correct and sustainable territorial planning and use of littoral areas.


The ongoing climate changes are rapidly altering the oceanographic setting of coastal areas, so that the predictability of tidal processes and their impact on the coasts is one of the new challenges for many countries. The study of the effects of these changes on modern tidal systems and the possible technical solutions represent another breakthrough research topic for the near future.

The TIDALITES scientific group wants to draw the attention of technical researchers, promotion agencies, industries and potential partners, who may benefit from the scientific knowledge that tidal scientists all over the world are achieving, turning them into advantages for the world community

The conference took place in the Aula Magna of the Campus of the University of Basilicata in Matera, in the sunny southern Italy. During the three days of meeting, oral and poster contributions have been presented within thematic sessions, promoting lively discussions among the scientific community.

As usual, 2-3-days-long field trips have preceded and followed the conference. They have provided the opportunity to visit modern tidal environments along some of the coasts of the peninsula, as well as to discover some of the best-exposed tidalite-bearing outcrop successions of Italy and outside of Italy.

Tidalites 2022 Program

Field Trips
April 29 - May 2

Return from the pre-congress field trips

FT1- FT2 – FT3

in the evening…

Ice-breaker Party with live music (Chiesa del Cristo Flagellato – Ex Ospedale San Rocco) in the heart of the old “Sassi di Matera”

1st day
Tuesday 3 May

Opening Ceremony
Authority greeting

Chairs: J. Bartholdy & S.G. Longhitano

1st Keynote – Fabio Trincardi

Van Yperen et al.*

Puppin et al.*

Tessier et al.

Break and poster session

Kim et al.*

Campos-Sotos et al.

Rossi V. et al. (virtual)

* ECR award concurrent candidates

Lunch break

Chairs: V.M. Rossi & D. Chiarella

2nd Keynote – Allard Martinius

Plink-Björklund et al.

Quijada et al.

Chen et al. (virtual)

Break and poster session

Reynaud et al.

Gugliotta et al.

Fustic et al.

2nd day
Wednesday 4 May

Chairs: R. Dorsey & K. Choi

3rd Keynote – Marta Cosma

Pancrazzi et al.*

Saha & Bhattacharya (virtual)*

Jo et al. *

Break and poster session

Tognin et al. (Virtual)*

Finotello et al. (Virtual)*

Bellizia et al. (virtual)*

* ECR award concurrent candidates

Lunch break

Chairs: P. Plink-Björklund & J-Y. Reynaud

4th Keynote – Bob Dalrymple

Dorsey et al.

Rubi et al.

Rossi V.M. et al.

Break and poster session

Caterina et al.

Uguagliati et al. (virtual)*

Ghinassi et al. (Virtual)

Visit to the ‘Sassi di Matera’

Tidalites Roundtable

Gala Dinner
Awarding of the early-career scientist best presentation
Ambient Music exhibition

* ECR award concurrent candidates

3rd day
Thursday 5 May

Chairs: B. Tessier & M. Gugliotta

5th Keynote – Nicoletta Leonardi

Choi et al.

Fruergaard et al.

Chang et al.

Break and poster session

11:00-11:15 Bartholomä et al.

11:15-11:30 D’Alpaos et al. (virtual)

11:30-11:45 Bartholdy et al.

11:45-12:15 Closing Ceremony

Lunch break

Departure for the
post-congress field trips

Field Trips
May 6-8

Field Trips
FT4 – FT5 – FT6 – FT7

The indicated presentation times follow the Central European Time (CET), which is 1 hour ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Keynote speakers

openers of the scientific sessions


Nicoletta Leonardi

Professor of Oceanography
School of Environmental Sciences
University of Liverpool, UK

Numerical modelling of sediment transport and coastal response to climate change from micro- to macro-tidal systems


Fabio Trincardi

Fabio Trincardi

Head of Department of Sciences of the Earth System and Environmental Technologies,
National Research Council of Italy,
Bologna, Italy

Tidal systems of the Anthropocene: the case of the Venice Lagoon and Northern Adriatic system


Allard W. Martinius

Specialist in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy,
Equinor ASA, Trondheim, Norway
Professor in Hydrocarbon Geology Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands

Tidalites in the subsurface: the need for de-simplifying conceptual models, improving production and storage strategies, and research outlook


Robert W. Dalrymple

Emeritus Professor of Sedimentology
Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
Queen's University, Ontario, Canada

Straits – The new frontier in Tidal Sedimentology: what we don’t know about them


Marta Cosma

Post-DOC Researcher Fellow
Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources
National Research Council of Italy
Padova, Italy

Tidal signature playing hide-and-seek in meandering-channel deposits

See all Circulars and News

Dates and Venue


Tidalites took place from May 1st to 8th 2022. This period included both conference days and excursions. In particular, the meeting took place from May 3rd (Tuesday) to May 5th (Thursday). It was preceded and followed by field trips (see list below). The pre-congress excursions took place from April 30th to May 2th; the post-congress ones, from May 6th to 8th.


European Capital of Culture for 2019, Matera is located in the center of southern Italy. It represents one of the most renowned places in Basilicata, thanks to the ‘Sassi’, ancient cave dwellings inhabited since the Paleolithic period, became a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1993.

The conference venue was the Aula Magna of the Campus of the University of Basilicata in Matera, located on top of one of the major hills of Matera, close to the XV-century Castello Tramontano. However, Tidalites 2022 was a hybrid event, which provided the opportunity for many participants to attend the conference online from a distance.

Field trips

Field trips were 2-3-days long, including the transfer to, and from Matera
Pre-congress field trips (30 April – 2 May)
  • T1 – Tidal sedimentary dynamics of the Early Pleistocene Messina Strait (Calabria, southern Italy) based on its modern analogue (leaders: S.G. Longhitano, D. Chiarella, M. Gugliotta, P. Barrier, D. Ventra, F. Muto);
  • T2 – A Miocene Mediterranean Strait: the Bonifacio Formation, Southern Corsica (leaders: J-Y. Reynaud and M. Ferrandini);
  • T3 – The sedimentary response of mixed (lithoclastic-bioclastic) shallow-marine systems to tides and waves in the rock record of southern Italy (leaders: M. Tropeano, D. Chiarella, S.G. Longhitano, L. Sabato, L. Spalluto).
Post-congress field trips (6-8 May)
  • T4 – Morphodynamics and sedimentary processes in salt marshes and tidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy) (leaders: M. Ghinassi, A. D’Alpaos, A. Finotello, S. Silvestri);
  • T5 – From marginal to axial tidal-strait facies in the lower Pleistocene Siderno Strait (leaders: S.G. Longhitano, V.M. Rossi, D. Chiarella, D. Mellere, F. MutoV. Tripodi );
  • T6 – The submarine dune field of the Bolognano Fm: depositional processes and the potential carbonate reservoir (Chattian to Burdigalian, Majella Carbonate Platform) (leaders: M. Brandano, L. Tomassetti, I. Cornacchia).
  • T7 – The Bay of Mont Saint Michel (leaders: B. Tessier, P. Weill, L. Furgerot, S. Campos Soto, D. Mouazé, B. Caline).

Discover Matera

Matera, 2019 European Capital of Culture, and its "Sassi", a designated UNESCO World Heritage, provides a stunning backdrop of stairways, cave-houses carved within the rock and subsurface churches...


Organizing Committee

  • Sergio G. Longhitano (University of Basilicata, Italy)
  • Domenico Chiarella (Royal Holloway University, London, UK)
  • Valentina M. Rossi (IGG-CNR, Italy)
  • Marcello Tropeano (University of Bari, Italy)
  • Luisa Sabato (University of Bari, Italy)
  • Vincenzo Pascucci (University of Sassari, Italy)
  • Marcello Gugliotta (Bremen University, Germany)
  • Marco Brandano (University of Roma La Sapienza, Italy)
  • Massimiliano Ghinassi (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Andrea D’Alpaos (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Franco Muto (University of Calabria, Italy)
  • Emilia Lepera (University of Calabria, Italy)  
  • Pascal Barrier (UniLaSalle, Paris, France)
  • Filippo Cristallo (Geology of Matera)

Scientific Committee

  • Robert W. Dalrymple (University of Queens, Canada)
  • Ron J. Steel (Jackson School of Geosciences, USA)
  • Allard Martinius (Equinor, Trondheim, Norway – University of Delft, The Netherlands)
  • Poppe de Boer (University of Utrecht, Netherlands)
  • Bernadette Tessier (University of Normandy, France)
  • Jesper Bartholdy (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Jean-Yve Reynaud (University Lille, France)
  • Roberto A. Scasso (University of Buenos Aires)
  • Massimiliano Ghinassi (University of Padova, Italy)
  • Shahin Dashtgard (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
  • Andrea Cucco (Institute of Oceanography, IAMC-CNR, Italy)
  • Yoshiki Saito (Shimane University, Japan)
  • Francesco L. Chiocci (Università of Roma La Sapienza, Italy)

Tidalites International Steering Committee

  • Sergio G. Longhitano (University of Basilicata, Italy – chair)
  • Mikkel Fruergaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
  • Clark Alexander (Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Georgia, USA)
  • Alexander Bartholomä (Senckenberg Institute, Germany)
  • José I. Cuitiño (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Robert Dalrymple (Queen’s University at Kingston, Canada)
  • Poppe L. De Boer (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands)
  • Jean-Yves Reynaud (University of Lille, France)
  • Bernadette Tessier (CNRS, University of Caen, France)
  • Roberto A. Scasso (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • Hong Wang (Geological Survey Centre, Tianjin, China)
  • Domenico Chiarella (Royal Holloway University, London, UK)
“The tides are the heartbeat of the ocean, a pulse that can be felt all over the world. This mysterious rhythm has gripped man's imagination since the beginnings of recorded history, spurring him to try to understand its causes and grasp its meaning.”
A. Defant, 1884-1974

Sponsors and portfolio

TIDALITES has the endorsement of the S.G.I. (Italian Geological Society), Geosed (Italian Association of Sedimentary Geology), G.E. (Georesources & Energy) and the Group of Maine Geology. It is sponsored by UNIBAS (University of Basilicata), the Department of Sciences (DIS), I.A.S (International Association of Sedimentologists) and S.E.P.M. (Society for Sedimentary Geology) and economically supported by FEEM (Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei).

We are looking for additional sponsors and supporters, in order to provide facilities for early-career researchers and awards for the best student presentations.


with the logistic support of

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