Announcement of the new dates for Tidalites 2021.
After the postponement of Tidalites 2020 due to the pandemic crisis that has affected Italy and many other countries in the World, we are glad to announce the new dates of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology.
Tidalites 2021 will be held in Matera, southern Italy, from 5th to 7th October 2021.
As originally planned, the conference will aim at offering opportunities to know about the latest science breakthroughs and learn about new approaches and analytical techniques in the field of the sedimentary dynamics of modern and ancient tidal environments.
The international scientific community will be invited to provide oral and poster presentations, which will be complemented by a series of thematic key notes dealing with the latest important discovery or development in the subjects of climate changes, coastal protection, conventional and renewable energy, CO2 storage, tidal straits and seaways, as well as more classic themes, including palaeogeographic reconstructions, analysis of tidalite-bearing successions, carbonate and siliciclastic flats, deltas, estuaries and many more.
Travel grants for early-career scientists will be provided by the partners of Tidalites 2021 and the best poster presentation will be awarded by the sponsor of the conference.
Pre- and post-congress field trips will allow participants to discover some of the most outstanding places of Italy, where sedimentary processes and products will be observed both in modern and ancient tidal environments.
Lastly, Tidalites 2021 will be a wonderful opportunity to visit Matera (2019 Capital of the European Culture), a charming and unique place, where to experience historical stratification of different civilizations and religions succeeded in this corner of the Mediterranean.
Informative circulars will be dispatched every three months starting from now, updating the Tidalites2021 programs, panel of key notes, sponsorship, logistics and news. For more info, please contact the Tidalites 2021 Secretary at or, directly, the organizers, in order to be inserted in the mailing list or to know more about the event.
Looking forward to seeing you in Italy
The Organizing Committee of Tidalites 2021