Field Trip T1 – Messina Strait

Pre-Congress Field Trip 30 April – 2 May 2022 Tidal sedimentary dynamics of the Early Pleistocene Messina Strait (southern Italy) […]

Field Trip T2 – Bonifacio Strait

Pre-Congress Field Trip 30 April – 2 May 2022 A Miocene Mediterranean Strait: The Bonifacio Formation, Southern Corsica Jean-Yves Reynaud […]

Field Trip T3 – Southern Apennine

Pre-Congress Field Trip 1 – 2 May 2022 The sedimentary response of mixed (lithoclastic-bioclastic) shallow-marine systems to tides and waves […]

Field Trip T4 – Venice Lagoon

Post-Congress Field Trip 6-8 May 2022 Morphodynamics and sedimentary processes in salt marshes and tidal channels of the Venice Lagoon […]

Field Trip T5 – Siderno Basin

Post-Congress Field Trip 6-8 May 2022 From marginal to axial tidal-strait facies in the lower Pleistocene Siderno Strait Valentina M. […]