Dear Participants to Tidalites 2022,
we are approaching fast to the days of the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology 3-5 May 2022 in Matera, Italy! We are glad to share with you some vital information to prepare at the best your participation (in person or virtual) to Tidalites 2022!
In the attached document, you will find useful instructions to attend the congress, to prepare your presentation and to reach the new venue of the congress, that has been moved to ensure a better technical performance of the congress activities.
Please find attached the final program of Tidalites 2022, which includes the five scientific sessions of the congress and the details/titles of the numerous presentations submitted.
We can’t wait to kick-off the Italian edition of Tidalite and to know more about what is going on among the scientific community working in the field of Tidal Sedimentology!
Looking forward to seeing you in Matera very soon!
Best Regards,
The Tidalites 2022 Secretariat