Potenza, 25.02.2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

the pandemic-related international emergency is far from going back to normality, as we were optimistically expecting last year. Considering the growing restrictions for international travel and the high risk of potential infection during field trips, and since forecasts do not predict better scenarios for the next early fall, we sadly decided to postpone once again Tidalites to the spring 2022.

The Organising and the Steering Committee have carefully evaluated the possibility to change Tidalites 2021 into a fully virtual conference, as some other international meetings are doing now. However, we strongly want to pursue the chance of a REAL meeting, with in-person presentations, active participation and field trips that, otherwise, could not be replaced by one-hour virtual tours showing through a cold screen the amazing places that would deserve to be ‘physically’ visited.

However, we are planning some virtual activity for the days of 5-7 October 2021, during which Tidalites 2021 was originally scheduled, such as a series of brief thematic seminars or keynotes, whose details will be announced in the next circulars. Hopefully, this will be a chance to virtually reunite our tidal community in preparation for the conference in Matera.

We all hope to see you all in person in Italy very soon.

The Tidalites Organising Committee