Pre-Congress Field Trip
30 April – 2 May 2022
A Miocene Mediterranean Strait: The Bonifacio Formation, Southern Corsica
Jean-Yves Reynaud (University of Lille Nord de France)
Michelle Ferrandini (Université de Corse Pascal Paoli, France)

During the Miocene, the strait between Corsica and Sardinia was submerged and swept by strong currents that caused very large dunes of clastic carbonates dominated by coralline algae and bryozoans to accumulate, possibly over hundreds of meters in the present-day submarine part of the strait. The cliffs on the Corsican side offer fantastic exposures of the related cross-bedded deposits, and of the underlying transgressive units. In the additional light of seismic data collected offshore, the purpose of this trip is to discuss the facies and architectural elements advocating for a tidal origin of this spectacular deposit.Logistics
The itinerary from one outcrop to the other follows main roads. Some outcrops require a short walk from the car parking place, mostly along easy trails, but in some cases there is a need for some hiking along the shore platforms to see better the exposures. The schedule integrates the time necessary for discussion of participants on each of the selected stops. Hiking shoes are necessary for the trip, as some parts of the trails across the cliffs down to the shore are steep. Avoid rainy days (which is hopefully rare!) as they also can be slippery. The mobile telephone network may not operate in some places. Participants will meet with the field-trip leaders at the Figari Airport early in the morning of 30th April before departure for the field trip. They will get back to Figari Airport in the morning of 2nd May. Participants are asked to arrange the flight back to Bari autonomouslyNumber of participants
min 8 – max 25Cost
500 Euros (inclusive of transport by bus from Figari airport, boat trip along the cliffs, accommodation in double rooms, meals; cost of the flight Figari-Bari not included)Geological Field Trips and Maps - Volume 13 (1.4)/2021
A Miocene Mediterranean Strait: The Bonifacio Formation, Southern Corsica
DOI: - Pages: 1-44
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