Post-Congress Field Trip
6-8 May 2022
Morphodynamics and sedimentary processes in salt marshes and tidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)

The Venice Lagoon is a unique laboratory to investigate the accumulation of salt-marsh and tidal-channel deposits in microtidal environments under changing hydrodynamic forcings and variable rates of subsidence and sediment supply.
This trip will allow participants to explore the most naturally preserved areas of the northern lagoon, where subsidence (c.a. 2.0 mm/yr) is typically balanced by clastic sedimentation. Different saltmarshes and tidal flats will be visited to observe surface morphologies, distribution of halophytic vegetation and variability of sediment grain size. Active and abandoned tidal channels, variable in width between 5 and 100 m, will be also observed, aiming at discussing their origin and morphodynamic evolution. During the trip, sediment-peels of cores, previously recovered from these different depositional sub-environments, will be also shown, and their characteristics discussed in terms of sedimentary processes and dynamics.
During the field trip, short walks are planned in muddy areas, where rubber boots are required. Early October in Venice is temperate, although windy days or brief showers can occur. Sun cream and a hat are recommended along with a rain jacket. Minor changes to the order of stops could be made following requirements dictated by tide or weather conditions.
Number of participants
min 10 – max 20
470 Euros (inclusive of transport, accommodation, meals and material)
Geological Field Trips and Maps - Volume 13 (1.2)/2021
Morphodynamic and sedimentary processes in salt-marshes and tidal channels of the Venice Lagoon (Italy)
DOI: - Pages: 1-35
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