Thanks to all and see you soon

Dear participants to the 10th International Congress of Tidal Sedimentology,

the successful conclusion of the post congress field trip marks the end of Tidalites 2022. However, we do not stop working on the ‘post-production’ of all the material collected during the conference days and to plan future activities.

As soon as all the recordings of the presentations will be processed and arranged into folders for each scientific session, we will instruct on how to attend them, with the exclusive access to the registered participants to Tidalites 2022. The photos of the congress will be also published in the website soon.

As a tradition, after every Tidalites conference, we discuss the possibility of collecting the extended version of the abstracts submitted to the conference in a special volume. We will keep you informed on the progress of this proposal in the next few weeks.

During the days of scientific sessions in Matera, we attended a variety of brilliant presentations, posters, discussions and we hope everybody enjoyed these sessions. We would like to say thank you once again for making Tidalites 2022 such a successful congress and for having based the foundations for future scientific cooperation and projects.

Looking forward to seeing the Tidalites community again reunited pretty soon!

The Tidalites 2022 Organizers
Sergio, Valentina, Domenico